Getting Started on Techicles

Created on 7 March, 2024Tutorials • 173 views

Learn how to start building a verified page on Techicles to market your business plus all the essential resources.

We're thrilled to see you sign up for an account on Techicles, a web app empowering entrepreneurs and organizations to boost their digital marketing with verified landing pages, managed links, QR codes, and advanced analytics.

This is your first step to supercharging digital marketing efforts with powerful online resources. Getting started on a new platform may not be easy. Interestingly, we have published these tutorials to help you create and manage your Techicles digital marketing resources. Kindly review the following articles to get started.

  • Signing up on Techicles
  • Creating your first bio (landing) page
  • Shortening URLs
  • Creating links (events, contact cards, files, and others)

Are you looking for inspiration on getting started with bio (landing) pages? Check Philemon's bio page here (@philarpy) or that of Ike Johnson Electricals (@ijelectricals) here for inspiration. You can also discover some verified landing pages in the Techicles directory.